Stem Cells, ect.
Over the past few years alot has been discussed on stem cell research, and the potential for cloning. These are critical issues, not because they can be done today (which is debatable) but because of what they mean to the future.
Stem cell research will lead to cloning research. While proponents state that the goal of stem cell is to find cures to degenerative diseases, and disorders affecting tens of millions there are a few other things to consider. First is the fact that the entire process involves manipulating and working with genetics, which is an arena we do not understand. We do not understand fully how or what combinations of DNA do in a single life, and even less so how any changes in DNA affect the future generations. Nature makes changes over generations in a timespan barely concieved of by humanity. The proponents state that science will understand more as we do more. Right, and science five hundred years (roughly) ago stated that we were the center of the universe, that nuclear power was impossible (roughly 55 years ago), and that AIDS was both airbourne transmission and only affected gays (20 years ago - some of those sources being somewhat dubious I agree). The fact is that science evolves and grows as time passes. Various "facts" are later disproved via better observations and insight. So the problem I state is that what happens when a 'fact' is found to be incorrect and suddenly millions hold a DNA imprint that is worse than what it fixes (for future generations.
Secondly, and this is important, the more we understand the more it will be abused. From the moment Dolly was cloned the question of human cloning has grown. Various scientists around the world have cloned bigger and more mammals as each year passes. The question of what affect this could have on the genetic pool of those creatures is unknown. But already one group has already claimed to have done several clones of humans. What if stem cell research is used in cloning? They do go hand in hand. And if a fanatical whomever you wish (Neo-Nazi, KKK, Islamic extremist, military dictatorship, ect.) decided to clone their version of a "ideal" being, with resistances to anthrax for example. Suddenly bio/chem warfare gets very ugly. Too Scifi for you? How about a different variant, Same group or individual figures out that by suppling a drug to pregnant mothers, birth defects and reduced natural immunities can be induced. If dispersed via gas (public transportation or in large cities) or via foods (canned goods perhaps) or water (public utilities and resivours) no one dies and may be completely unnoticed for years till the numbers get alarming.
Think it can't happen? Polio was thought to be incurable or preventable at one time, same for Mumps, Measales, small pox and many others. The ability to enjoy powered flight was impossible til the Wright Brothers at Kitty hawk. It was thought that a cars going over 20 miles an hour would shake the skin off a person initally. And my favorite, it was long held that eating tomatoes would lead to insanity, until a doctor sat at mid day and ate a basket of them and was unharmed. The point is it can happen, and will happen given time. Don't think about the effect on just you... think further out. What will be possible and available to the masses in 15 years? In the last 15 years the internet was created and has linked the world. What could happen in the next 15?
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